Endowed Scholarships
In September 2018, a 9th grade student began her educational journey at St. Catharine Academy with a four-year partial tuition scholarship because of the life, passion and witness of Sr. Rhea Bean, RSM, SCA’s first president. Dr. Philip and Janet Bean established the endowed scholarship in her honor. “We wish to honor Sr. Rhea Bean because she is a special person who has always given of herself. This is an opportunity to extend her dedication to St. Catharine Academy and its mission to educate young women,” Dr. Bean said when they established the scholarship.
If you wish to join Philip and Janet Bean in remembering Sr. Rhea Bean, who died on September 26, 2018, you may make a gift to the Sr. Rhea Bean Endowed Scholarship.
Recipient: Laysha Hernandez ’22 - “Words can’t describe how much joy I felt and still feel because you helped me make my parents proud.”
The scholarship is aiding juniors/seniors who demonstrate financial need and an aptitude in mathematics and science. Students with the scholarship have earned a GPA of 90 or above in mathematics and science Regents courses in Grades 9 and 10 and must have passed the Regents. Students also have to be in full compliance with all school regulations, attendance and punctuality policies.