Honor Societies
National Honor Society
Students are eligible for membership in St. Catharine Academy’s Mercy Chapter of the National Honor Society upon review of their 9th, 10th, and 11th grade averages and completed school service hours. To be eligible for membership in the Society, students must meet requirements in academics, leadership, character and service to school and community. They cannot be on any probation.
Acceptance is judged by academic achievement. The student must maintain a:
Weighted cumulative average of 90% for 9th, 10th, and 11th grades;
Weighted cumulative average of 90% for the first two quarters of 12th grade;
The Four Pillars of National Honor Society
Current members and eligible students are to follow the four pillars of distinction. They are Scholarship,Leadership, Service (a completion of 40 per year in NHS), and Character.
National English Honor Society
Membership in NEHS is an honor bestowed on individuals selected for their accomplishments in the field of English and in overall academic achievement. The NEHS Constitution sets forth as minimum requirements for active membership the following:
Attendance at the school the equivalent of one year prior to being considered;
Completion of the equivalent of two years of English prior to induction as members;
The achievement of a minimum overall GPA of 88% and English grade point average of a 90% prior to induction as members;
Completion of school service hours by September 25th of the induction year;
Completion of an essay by a certain due date;
La Sociedad Hispánica
LSH is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish.
Requirements for Membership
Enrollment in a third year language course
An average of 90% for each year of language study
GPA of a least 80% for every year of study
Service component
Complete an essay given by the moderator
BETA Honor Society
Requirements for Membership
Must be a members of the National Beta Club
Must take 4 years of math and science, which must include Physics and Robotics for science and math must include AP Calculus, PreCalculus or college algebra by senior year
A GPA 85% or higher
10 volunteer hours per year they are in the society
Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society
Requirements for Membership
Must be a Junior or Senior
PSAT/SAT minimum score of 530 in Math
Must have taken or enrolled in three math regents scores
A minimum score of 85 on the Algebra Regents
A minimum score of 80 on the Geometry Regents. If exempt from the regents, must have a minimum geometry final average of 90
A minimum score of 85 on Algebra 2 Regents. If exempt from the regents, must have a minimum Algebra 2 final average of 87
Rho Kappa Honor Society
Requirements for Membership
Must be a Junior or Senior
The achievement of a minimum overall GPA of 85% and Social Studies grade point average of 85%
Global and US Regents Scores of 90 or better
Completed one AP course in Social Studies and currently enrolled in a second Social Studies AP course. Exception:.senior inductees will qualify if they have completed at least two Social Studies AP courses and have not enrolled in AP Government and Politics